Abstract:This paper has designed the short-term load time series prediction method based on sampling device, including the power grid for power supply from the end to the loading end of the conveying line, power supply voltage monitor, monitoring for transmission voltage of the power line load of current monitor, for monitoring the current transmission power line the load for the data encoding the voltage monitor and the current monitor collected into signal encoder, signal for the transmitter signal generating the signal of encoder signal is transmitted to the network control center; and also include an input signal to the network standard time timer the signal encoder. Based on the short term load forecasting sampling device of the inter sequence method, the wind power is predicted in real time for the load of a PA generator set in a wind farm, and this is compared with the load forecast of the grey model. The result shows that the device can meet the needs of the short-term load forecasting system of time series method, and provides accurate line detection parameters for short-term load forecasting of time series.