Abstract:The data sources were selected from the remote sensing images (on May 1st, 2014 and April 10th,2018) by Landsat8 satellites downloaded from the U.S. Geological Survey and the urban area of Anqing City is the study area. The paper adopted the mono-window algorithm to invert the land surface temperature of the Anqing City, and the paper normalized and graded the results, then made the spatio-temporal change analysis of urbanheat island effect in the Anqingdowntown area. On this basis above, the paper analyzed the relationship between the urban surface temperature and NDBBI, NDVI, MNDWI, BSI etc. The research shows:(1) Urban heat island effect in Anqing is very remarkable and temperature of downtown area is higher than that of the surrounding suburbs; (2) The heat island effect in Anqing is negatively correlated with NDVI and MNDWI, and positively correlated with BSI and NDBBI; (3) From 2014 to 2018,urban heat island effect in Anqing increased and the area of heat island effect have increased.