This paper analyzes the relationship between carbon emission and economic growth in Kunming City of Yunnan from the perspective of land use and explores its influencing factors, so as to provide a reference for formulating carbon emission reduction tasks and optimizing land resource layout in Kunming City. Based on remote sensing data of land use in Kunming from 2000 to 2020, the characteristics and intensity of carbon emissions in Kunming were analyzed by carbon emission coefficient method and other methods, and the relationship between carbon emissions of land use and economic growth and its influencing factors were analyzed by Tapio decoupling model and LMDI decomposition model. The results show that: (1) In 2000-2020, the land use carbon emission figure in Kunming City was lower in the north and higher in the south and showed an inverted U-shaped trend (rising first and falling next) in time and reached a peak in 2010 of 12 320 700 tons. (2) The decoupling index of Kunming City has shown a downward trend in the past 20 years, going through three stages from expansionary link to weak decoupling and then to strong decoupling. The decoupling proved to be satisfactory. (3) Economic development level, construction land scale and energy carbon emission intensity played an important role in promoting land use carbon emission in which economic development level imposed the biggest effect. Energy consumption intensity and land use efficiency were the factors that inhibited carbon emission in land use. Kunming city witnesses a positive developing momentum. Its carbon emission reduction performance is noticeable, but the energy structure needs to be further improved.